Love me for the bitch that I am

I'm a witch, a mother, the soon 2b ex of a lying cheat and I can still smile...shall we talk about girl power today?

Monday, February 27, 2006

Cartoon baby

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I was waiting to get my other ultrasound back from a friend who borrowed it for something for my shower that she's planning but 'till then I figured I may as well put up the one I have. It is more recent but not as good as the first one taken in my opinion. It was done quickly because Jay wanted to know the sex and my Dr. let us sneak in (she does them in her office) for a free quickie just to find out lol.

I like the other one better because it's a great shot of her face straight on and I think she looks like Kass with the wide nose lol. It's also cute because it looks like she's laughing at you lol. Jay wants to get the 3d ultrasound done at 30weeks but I'm not so sure anymore. I mean, I want there to be some surprize left when she's born and it's enought that we already know the sex. If you also know what the baby is going to look like, where's the surprize lol? Who knows, I'll probably change my mind and if I do it'll be posted here lol.


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