Love me for the bitch that I am

I'm a witch, a mother, the soon 2b ex of a lying cheat and I can still smile...shall we talk about girl power today?

Saturday, February 18, 2006


There I am (scary swollen feet and all) in one of the last "non maternity" tops that I own and can still sorta fit. If only the bottom half were a bit more loose, I'd be able to wear it longer. I'm just happy to find ANYTHING my boobs fit into these days!

There's been debate about how we want to do the nursery now that we know it's a girl. We had planned to do a cute jungle theme which would work for boy or girl

but now we're thinking more "girly" like this...

It's getting tough because the more themes I see, the more confused I get lol.
Any suggestions?


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