Love me for the bitch that I am

I'm a witch, a mother, the soon 2b ex of a lying cheat and I can still smile...shall we talk about girl power today?

Sunday, August 31, 2003

Well, I tried posting a long ass post earlier but it got deleted when I tried checking on another page while posting!!! So anyway I've had a very uneventful summer so far besides our pool being finished (without the deck because the poor dude got burned really bad working with hot driveway tar (don't ask, I didn't lol!) Anywho... it's been too quick a summer if you ask me but I've been doing great at Neopets and our guild is better than it's been in over a year!
Not to mention the fact that I bored of the old MSN group I was addicted to when the moderator started deleting the posts I worked so hard to find! So anyway, I started my own group which is now over 200 strong and if you're over 18 and interested in adult media be sure to check us out at but be sure to tell me in your application why you want to join because I screen every new member and we already have over 70 people waiting to get in just because they can't follow directions!!!
At any to ya soon lol! ;)


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