Love me for the bitch that I am

I'm a witch, a mother, the soon 2b ex of a lying cheat and I can still smile...shall we talk about girl power today?

Monday, April 07, 2003

Can you believe this weather lol? We had a party this past weekend for my sister and brother (actually two of my brothers had a birthday but only one showed up lol!) My sister was born on May 31'st and although they're years apart, my brother was born on April 1st while my other brother was born on March 3rd. So now do you see why we decided to just throw one huge party hehehe?!
Well, we had a blast and ended up crashing around 6am woo-hoo! The next day I was hungover but not as bad as I expected lol! I felt sick but didn't actually get sick lol! Well, I'm going to get more coffee lol! TTFN