Talked to my cuz again and I'm waiting for her to call back soon because her phone went dead while we were talking hehehe! It's been great "catching up" and I can't wait to see her when she comes here this weekend!!! It's funny, growing up we were best friends but didn't have too much in common besides wanting to rebel lol! Now each time we talk I realize we have so much in common it's scary! We've both been through really tough times in the past decade and we seem to have even chose the same type of guys with the same "flaws" over the years hehehe! I sooo can't wait to see her again! She said my grandmother (who has been having a hard time with altzheimers for a while) misses me and this came as a surprize as I had been wanting to see her for a while but was told that I wouldn't be greeted with "open arms". The last time I spoke to her m.o.f. was at my mom's house when I was going through divorce and living in Jersey with a Dj hehe! She didn't understand that I knew what I was doing and wasn't very happy to see me in that situation. She's very oldfashioned and last I heard was that she wasn't even speaking to my dad who's her only son! I didn't want to set myself up for being rejected especially with my kids in tow, so I haven't seen her for years and it bothers me so much that I couldn't stand watching Everybody Loves Raymond anymore because Ray's mother Marie resembles her soooo much in her looks AND personality, it was just too much to watch lol! I guess I'll have to make some plans and change some things!