Love me for the bitch that I am

I'm a witch, a mother, the soon 2b ex of a lying cheat and I can still smile...shall we talk about girl power today?

Saturday, December 14, 2002

being Friday the 13th and all, I expected something strange to happen but when it happened...well, it was more like ::TRAGIC:: if you ask me!
To begin with...silly 'ol me thought I could waltz right in the Tweeter with my digital cam. Well, it wasn't happening so the doorman told me to go around the building where I could check in my camera. On the VERY WINDY way over, I lost the tickets. Yup...gone, empty pocket, zero, ziltch, nada...u get the picture.
So, to make a long story man saved the day!!
We were late for the pre-party due to the weather and crappy directions,
late to the concert itself but got in there, I played boppit trying to win a free one for my kids and played the "geek" for a huge crowd of people who seemed to think I was the best "loser" hehe, all for a free Q102 calander that I later drenched with beer when Kelly Osbourne came onstage lmao.
I wish I could have gotten my camera in there. I saw, and I wanted to get a teen in front of me who snuck in a major digital cam to email pics to me. To add to my frustration, we changed seats twice while we were there because SOMEBODY holding the tickets didn't feel like looking at them to be sure where our seats were, so I never got the chance to ask the girl with the cam. The concert was sweet, the people were cool and to tell you the truth, most of them were my daughter's age lmao! From now on we plan to go with the kids as a family lol.

Friday, December 13, 2002

I should've left already to get there when the doors open but guess who's jumpin' in the shower rt now lmao? I'm soooo psyched, my stomach is "torn up from the floor up"!

Thursday, December 12, 2002

Guess who never ceases to amaze me lmao?!
Well, I bet U didn't guess so I'll just spill lol! If U know me, you know how much I'm NOT a morning person lol. Well, I was supposed to get up early today to head out to the station and pick up my v.i.p. buttons for the pre party tomorrow and guess who slept in hehe?! Well, I woke up and Jay had already gone to work so I thought to myself "screw it, at least I've got my tickets to the Jingle Ball in hand!". Then later Jay got home and handed me my drivers license and these...

WOOHOO!!! ::scratches head in thought:: "Now, what am I gonna wear?"

Wednesday, December 11, 2002

It JUST sunk in that I'm going to the Jingle Ball in less than 2 freakin' days!!!!! Screw my b-day this year, I'm lookin' forward to the pre-party I won admittance to ::BIG HUG, SMOOCHES & THANX Q102!!!:: I rarely win anything and have NEVER gone to a pre-party! This could be the time of my life, we'll see lol. ::scratches head, thinking:: I hope I can get my cam in.
We got enough cold wet schloop to keep the kids home from school again today. The entire day was dark, gloomy and depressing though so it was barely worth it lmao!
Since Jay thought it would be a good idea to hang the list of camcorders I wanted him to check out and the guys at the shop thought it was garbage, I'm at my wit's end doing some online comparison shopping again and I DON'T appreciate it! Oh well, gotta do what ya gotta do huh lol?
Since we'll still be here for a bit, my daughter is majorly excited that she'll be able to use her Blue Man Group drumsticks in the holiday concert at school! I'm looking forward to it also since it'll be the first time she really gets to play.
There was something else I wanted to blog but I guess I'll just have to come back when I remember lmao.

Tuesday, December 10, 2002

finally figuring out this "blog" thing lmao. I'm certianly no "newbie" when it comes to the web, but I must admit that online journaling is new to me since I've never thought twice about it. Lately however, I've been stumbling over more and more of them and have even found that to my surprise there are many people who have only a blog and no webpage! Very interesting indeed, lending to my belief that the majority of people online only have websites to be heard even if it's just their complaints about being the ONLY person in the house that knows how to replace the toilet paper ::huge grin and a wink::
The kids should be home soon ::grrrrr::
I need some positivity today for sure! We should have been moved into and settled in the new house by now but the nobhead lender is giving us the runaround!! No worry, we're trying to work with the sellers now so there's still hope! ::huge grin::
The monster Kirby has struck again! Damn near tore the door off Maia's crate. Now she's a pretty good dog for her age but I don't think the crate has much use anymore without a door ::kicks a pebble and frowns:: "can't win lately". BUT I'LL KEEP TRYING HAHA!!

Monday, December 09, 2002

Merry meet everyone!
I got tired of talking to myself and figured I'd try a blog so that I wouldn't feel quite so ::lonely::
Blessed be!